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School girls; or the african mean girls play

Selma Arts Center, Diaspora Dreams Play Series, 
Spring 2024 

Directed by Nwachukwu Oputa
Stage Manager: Sofia James
Assistant Stage Manager: Myah Galvan
Set Designer: Tamrah Sales
Costume Designer: Tamrah Sales 
Lighting Designer: Glenda Stewart
Sound Designer: Kimmy Kaur
Dramaturg: D'Aungillique Jackson

Image Credit: Kyle Lowe

Fiercely backed by an all BIPOC, female-identifying production team, School Girls; or The African Mean Girls Play is a production that remains near and dear to my heart. As an Afro-Latina, being the stage manager of a production that had leading women who fully represented me all while telling an impactful story that all women could resonate with was fulfilling in indescribable ways. As the second production in the Diaspora Dreams Play Series, this production offered themes of women, colorism, fatphobia, bullying, and the detrimental effects of through comedic and impactful storytelling. For this production, I was able to coordinate call sheets, rehearsal reports, Discord communication moderation, as well as carpool transportation organization due to the overwhelming amount of talent from all across the Central Valley. 

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